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Epigenetic products and services

Epigenetic products and services

A large part of the decades of scientific research in human biology focuses on the provision of products that are delivered directly to the consumer. There is a wide range of products ranging from consumer goods to services. Medicines, biomarkers, medical reviews and studies are everyday examples of such products. However, their development is a lengthy process that usually takes several years. For example, a medication that is usually selected from thousands by candidates needs on average up to 12 years and $ 2.6 billion to get into the pharmacy cabinet from the laboratory table [1].

In addition to vital drugs and services that are now considered necessary for our health and our survival, there were many biotechnological progress that made consumers available to have other products and services. Over time, the private sector started marketing it early on. In addition, the focus was not only on the provision of personalized medicine, but also on personalized products that are delivered directly to the consumer.

Companies that offer epigenetic products and services

After completing the Humangangenom project in 2003 and the emergence of the next generation sequence, several companies have started to offer DNA gent tests and analyzes. Company like 23Andme and Livingdna offer your customers the opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge from your DNA [2,3]. Depending on the company, you can hand in saliva or a simple smear and receive an analysis in less than two months. By analyzing the DNA variants and epigenetic markings that make each profile unique, these companies provide reports that include genetic and regional descent, DNA comparison with the family, characteristics and even the likelihood of the development of health conditions [2,3]. The genetic data is analyzed and personalized reports are created based on scientific and medical research [2].

Although not many epigenetic services are available directly for the consumer, there are already some and some will soon be available. The combination of artificial intelligence and epigenetic research for better human health is the goal of Foxo Technologies - a life insurance company based on molecular biotechnology [4]. As numerous scientific knowledge show, epigenetic changes play an important role in health, well -being and the aging of man. Therefore, Foxo Technologies focuses on the discovery, validation and commercialization of epigenetic biomarkers in blood and saliva [4]. These epigenetic biomarkers are identified using monitored machine learning. The areas that the company focuses on include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, alcohol and tobacco use as well as the molecular age [4]. The company has set itself the task of developing new innovative products and services that are intended to improve health, well -being and durability of consumers, and its motto is: "Life insurance that they keep in life" [4]

Another example is Epigencare, A biotechnology company for personalized skin care based on epigenetic tests [5]. With a special kit, DNA samples are removed from the skin and sent in for analysis. The company creates an epigenetic profile of the customer's skin quality by measuring the DNA-methylation of different genes that are responsible for factors of skin quality (e.g. aging, strength, moisture and elasticity) [5]. After the skin profile has been created, it is compared with the most suitable skin care products on the market by machine learning - through machine learning - with the most suitable skin care products [5]. The matching process takes into account the epigenetic, dangerous and absorbent effects of the ingredients on the skin quality indicators and personalizes the skin care routines [5].

Since we are getting faster and faster in the field of epigenetics, we offer our services Moleqlar analytics also for private individuals. Through joint research, we contribute to the development of new epigenetic medication and biomarkers that pave the way to personalized medicine. We believe that various epigenetic products and services will be available to the individual consumer sooner than later.

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