

Molecular profile


Self-perception and lifestyle analysis

This nutritional score reflects what you eat, the higher towards 100%, the healthier. If your answers are not documented, this section will be empty.

Your answers suggest that your eating habits are similar to a flexitarian diet.

Based on your answers you are in the high nutritional category.

Freshly prepared meat Rarely
Processed meat products Never
Fish or sea products Rarely
Vegetables Once per day
Fruits Once per day
Fast food, fried food Rarely
Sweets, cake 4-6 per week
Water 1-1.5l
Sugary drinks Rare or none

Nutritional health status

Based on the molecular analysis of your buccal swab sample, we report your nutritional molecular status. And we ask the question: How much do your molecules reflect your diet?

Your profile displays the highest similarity to the healthy nutritional category.


To a lesser degree, you exhibit similarity with the intermediate dietary profile.


Biochemical processes

Upon further investigation of your molecular profile, we analyzed groups of proteins with different functions. Your molecules were more strongly represented in several biochemical processes than in others. We hereby present these processes to you. In addition, we use color to show you how positively or negatively these processes influence your corresponding nutritional profile. The more green a process is colored, the more it supports your healthy nutritional profile; the more red a process is colored, the more it influences an unhealthy nutritional profile.

If you have already submitted a previous test, we compare your data with your previous profile.
Curious to find out more about the functions? Click on the arrow.

Your current sample
(healthy/unhealthy values)
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Aging". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Cell turnover". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Cellular stress". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Detoxification of inorganic compound". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "DNA Damage". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Fatty acid metabolic process". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Immune system". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Minerals". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.
Here we explain the molecular basics of the GO term "Sugar regulation". You will also find individual recommendations on how to improve in this area.

Dietary categories

Often, people are subjective with how they perceive their diet which makes it difficult to improve their habits. But here you receive personalized molecular support to adjust your nutrition. You can see whether your questionnaire answers (dashed line) match your molecular profile (straight line). Per main nutritional component, we estimate your habit and illustrate how much your self-perception and molecular profile are in accordance!


Your questionnaire data

Your molecular data




Actionable advice

Now let’s get some actionable advice. Therefore, we take a look if your nutritional markers (black line) fall in the healthy range (blue ribbon). By doing so, it reveals how much effort you need to put to get or stay in the healthy category.

For the section in which your nutritonal markers do not fall in the healthy range, we provide you with individual suggestions on how you can improve your diet on a daily and weekly basis. Realistic changes will lead to change of lifestyle in the long term which is the basis for a healthy life.


31% of markers are not in the healthy range 69% of markers are in the healthy range
Your current habits Your next step
Freshly prepared meat Rarely 1-3 per week
Fish or sea products Rarely 1-3 per week
Vegetables Once per day Many per day
Fruits Once per day Many per day
Fast food, fried food Rarely Never
Sweets, cake 4-6 per week 1-3 per week
Water 1-1.5l 1.5-2l

Exercise routine

Based on the questionnaire and your answers, we deduced informative graphics about your lifestyle in terms of sports and activity. We represented your level of sports activities; the higher towards 100%, the more similar to the most sportive individual.

With an average of 4.7 hours weekly, you perform quite well, and we encourage you to keep up with this level of sport

0 15 30 60 90 120 >120
Stairs climbing

Sport health status

We have analysed your molecular sport profile based on your buccal swab sample. This sport score describes your molecular fitness profile.

Your profile displays the highest similarity to the healthy sport category.


To a lesser degree, you exhibit similarity with the unhealthy sport profile.


Molecular reasoning and advice

Take a look if your molecular sport markers (black line) fall in the healthy range (blue ribbon). This reveals how much effort you need to put to get or stay in the healthy category. Moreover, we provide you with suggestions on how you can improve your sport profile . Realistic changes will lead to change of lifestyle in the long term which is the basis for a healthy life.


31% of markers are not in the healthy range 69% of markers are in the healthy range

Overall assessment: You maintain a healthy level of physical activity, continue doing a great job at taking care of your health!

Health markers: Your individual activity health markers indicate that you can easily fall out of the healthy zone if you do not continue to exercise regularly and keep yourself fit.

Let´s explore your choices and preferences to see how you might complement your current routine:

How do you describe your workout personality?

How do you describe your workout personality?


Fitness studio, yoga, Martical arts, Spinning class, Dancing

Rather not social:

What do you thing about online workout? There are numerous payable and free workout examples, even if you have only 20 minutes time in a day.

How do you describe your workout personality?


Football, Volleyball, Basketball


Tennis, Running, Martial arts

How do you describe your workout personality?

At home:

What do you thing about online workout? There are numerous payable and free workout examples, even if you have only 20 minutes time in a day.


Most importantly, increase walking, even if you walk to your work instead of using a car/public transport. Running/jogging, Hiking, Cycling, Gardening

The gym:

If you prefer to make your own plan, it is better to use equipment instead of signing up for studio class.

Let´s explore your choices and preferences to see how you might complement your current routine:

Would you rather…

Would you rather…

Explore the options around you, do have a Fitness studio, Yoga, Pilates, Dancing studio, Zumba:

Have fun!

I do not have comfortable options in the neighbourhood:

Join an online workout program from the comfort of your home, you only need a mat to start. Browse the internet for cardio workout, flexibility exercises, workout with weights, yoga, pilates.

Start by yourself

At home:

Join an online workout program from the comfort of your home, you only need a mat to start. Browse the internet for cardio workout, flexibility exercises, workout with weights, yoga, pilates.


Walking (6000-8000 steps per day) Running/jogging, Hiking, Cycling, Gardening

The gym:

Combine cardio and weightlifting exercises. Ask for a workout template at the gym. Consider a private trainer.